
Aren't All Roofers Drunks? And Other Common Misconceptions | You Ask, The PROs Answer | Ep. 11

Aren't all roofers drunks, dropouts or dopes? And other common misconceptions. Watch and listen as Aaron and Cole discuss the history, current state, and future of the contracting industry. Aaron addresses some of the commonly held misconceptions thrown at guys and gals who work in the industry. We bet that you’ll leave this episode feeling more confident and knowledgeable as you tackle this home improvement project.

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Do you have a question you want to ask the PROs? Email us at... info@askproexteriors.com | Subject: You Ask

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Technical note: Cole's microphone did not record properly, and so you might notice that it doesn't sound all that great this week. Fear not, it'll be all fixed for the next episode.


What Is Company Cam? (and other software we use) | You Ask, The PROs Answer | Ep.12


Knock knock! What’s The Deal With Doors? | You Ask, The PROs Answer | Ep. 10